jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019



- Initial questions to introduce the topic:

Do you…………...?
a. buy discounted goods

b. return goods

c. do online shopping

d. have a budget when you go shopping

e. like waiting in line

f. bargain

g. like window shopping

h. try on clothes

i. use a shopping cart

j. go shopping alone

- Watch a video so that students can understand the craziness of Black Friday HERE (2 min)


Cyber Monday: Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States. The term "Cyber Monday" was created by marketing companies to persuade people to shop online.

Shoppers go crazy on Black Friday

Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November), often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

In recent years, most major retailers have opened extremely early and offered promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season, similar.

For many years, it was common for retailers to open at 6:00 a.m., but in the late 2000s many had crept to 5:00 or even 4:00. This was taken to a new extreme in 2011, when several retailers (including Target, Kohl’s, Macy’s, and Best Buy) opened at midnight for the first time. In 2012, Walmart and several other retailers announced that they would open most of their stores at 8:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day

Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States. The term “Cyber Monday” was created by marketing companies to persuade people to shop online. The term made its debut on November 28, 2005 and it has became quickly in one of the biggest online shopping days of the year”


Mark if the statements are true or false

1.       Black Friday isn’t the only day to get  good shopping deals:____________________________

2.       Black Friday takes place after Halloween:_____________________________

3.      The shopping on the Black Friday starts on an early Friday morning:____________________

4.      Cyber Monday takes place after Thanksgiving:_______________________________

5.      Cyber Monday  focused mainly in online shopper:_________________________________

6.      Discounts are  available during the whole month of November:__________________________




Cómo convertir una simple imagen en una imagen interactiva.

Podréis descubrirlo en el siguiente enlace https://doitgenially.com/como-crear-una-imagen-interactiva-convierte-una-simple-imagen-en-una-imagen-genial/

Resultado de imagen de Ejercicios imagen interactiva genially

Deberás de realizar 3 imágenes interactivas con los siguientes elementos/fotografías o imágenes:
  1. Póster o cartel 
  2. Anuncio publicitario
  3. Catálogo de productos
  4. Logo de los 50 años de la Formación Profesional que os dejo por aquí 

Las etiquetas, ventanas, si incluis vídeos, fotos... ya lo dejo a vuestra elección. 

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019


Activity 1. Let´s celebrate!
Answer the questions:
• What is a celebration?
• What is your favourite celebration?
• When do you celebrate it?
•Why do you celebrate it?
• Do you know any celebrations from other countries?
Activity 2. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
. Thanksgiving History Facts.
Thanksgiving History Facts
A ship, called “Mayflower”, took off at September 6th 1620, with 102 people (the pilgrim) and 30 crew members on board to the new world of America, later called “New England”. The pilgrim had been traveling for 65 days until they reached the new world on November 11th in 1620. While the men were building houses for the small village of Plimoth, the women and children had to stay on board of the Mayflower for another 2 months. In this winter more than 50 people died because of illness and coldness. In January 1621, the pilgrim had the first contact to the “Wampanoag”, a tribe of Native Americans. They taught the pilgrim how to hunt and how to plant or grow up corn and other plants. In autumn 1621, when the pilgrim had enough food, they wanted to thank the Wampanoag for their help and celebrated the first American Thanksgiving, the “Harvest Feast”. They celebrated it for almost 3 days and nights.
After you watch the video, answer the next questions:
What did you like about the story of Thanksgiving Day?
Activity 3. Scrambled sentences
Put  the words back into the correct order.
1. American is very holiday Thanksgiving a.
2. a be to used It holiday religious.
3. of origins the of Versions holiday this.
4. The given Native thanks to Americans.
5. to How corn grow and eels catch.
6. traditional baked turkey is have roasted It to or.
7. potatoes mashed with accompanied usually is This.
8. the most Pumpkin commonly pie eaten is dessert.
9. get off three or Government four workers days.
10. Stores goods Christmas with shelves their fill.
Activity 4. Thanksgiving words

Activity 5. We say Thank you
Ej “I want to say Thank you to my father because he listens to me every day”
You have to say thanks for something you want.
You have to think more things why you would like to say THANKS, as in this video:

SEND YOUR EXERCISES TO maria.garciafernandez@salesianos.edu with the SUBJECT (ASUNTO) : Thanksgiving Day_ tu nombre

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

25-N, Día de la eliminación de la violencia hacia las mujeres

En conmemoración del día 25-N los alumnos de 2º FPB de Servicios Administrativos han realizado una infografía utilizando el programa GENIALLY que plasma valores que nunca podemos olvidar como:   el respeto entre iguales, la tolerancia 0 ante los insultos, agresiones, vejaciones y humillaciones, fomento de la respuesta colectiva contra la violencia...
Aquí los dejamos para que les echéis un vistazo.

https://view.genial.ly/5ddb96d822fd8d0f36a4d62d/vertical-infographic-25n  (Gloria)
https://view.genial.ly/5ddb96556c26b10f777dcaad/vertical-infographic-25n  (Alejandro)
https://view.genial.ly/5ddb963322fd8d0f36a4d186/vertical-infographic-25n  (Irene)
https://view.genial.ly/5ddb96f26c26b10f777dcee4/vertical-infographic-25n  (Alba)

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019


Nos familiarizamos con la herramienta Genially, creando imágenes interactivas.


  1. Busca en google una imagen del "ordenador y sus partes dibujo". Copia esta imagen.

  1. Guarda la imagen en tu carpeta.
  2. Entrar en GENIALLY.
  3. Iniciar sesión.
  4. Elegir la opción de imagen interactiva.
  5. Colocar un elemento interactivo (BOTÓN) en cada una de las partes de la imagen.
  6. Poner una etiqueta con el nombre en cada parte.
  7. Explicar que es cada parte del ordenador.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019


Cercana la fecha del 25N vamos a ayudar a ACM: Armas de Construcción Masiva ante su iniciativa para el proyecto Etwinning

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019


Today is time to learn the directions and locations


A. The speaker gives directions to the _______________

B. The speaker gives directions to the _______________

C. The speaker gives directions to the _______________

D. The speaker gives directions to the _______________

Word List

Asking for and Giving Directions
How do I get to …?
What's the best way to …?
Where is …?
Go straight on (until you come to …).
Turn back./Go back.
Turn left/right (into …-street).
Go along …
Cross …

Take the first/second road on the left/right
It's on the left/right.
straight [streɪt] on
opposite ['ɒpəzɪt]
near [nɪə]
next to
between [bɪ'twiːn]
at the end (of)
on/at the corner
behind [bɪ'hʌɪnd]
in front of
(just) around the corner
traffic lights
crossroads, junction [ʤʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n]
signpost ['sʌɪnpəʊst]







Resultado de imagen de transport signs + vocabulary activities

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019


Resultado de imagen de spelling rules present continuous



More information here

Los siguientes verbos casi nunca se emplean en Presente Continuo: 

Verbos que expresan sensaciones, como feel (sentir), hear (oír), see (ver) o smell (oler). 
Verbos que expresan posesión, como belong (pertenecer), own (ser propietario de) o possess (poseer). 
Verbos que expresan sentimientos o emociones, como desire (anhelar), detest (detestar), dislike (disgustar), fear (temer), hate (odiar), like (gustar), love (amar), respect (respetar), want (querer) o wish (desear). 
Verbos que expresan actividades mentales, como agree (estar de acuerdo), believe (creer), forget (olvidar), know (saber), realice (darse cuenta), recognize (reconocer), remember (recordar), suppose (suponer), think (pensar) o understand (entender).



1. Crear una presentación en blanco de 7 diapositivas del cuento que más te guste (aplicar formato de fondo diferente a cada diapositiva) insertando 3 objetos diferentes encada una de ellas, modificar el formato de cada objeto.
2. Aplicar una transición diferente a cada una de las diapositivas en la presentación.
3. Aplicar 2 animaciones diferentes a cada objeto en cada diapositiva.
4. Insertar un hipervínculo.
5. Eso será lo mínimo, si quieres poner más efectos, tendrás más nota.
6. Guardar la presentación realizada en tu carpeta con el nombre “examen ppt_tu nombre” y mándalo a maria.garciafernandez@salesianos.edu con ese mismo asunto examen ppt_tu nombre.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2019


Resultado de imagen de 11 del 11 que se celebra + marketing

El día de hoy nos suena por la lotería: el 11 del 11, pero también es el día del soltero, y un día que en muchas tiendas realizan muchas rebajas ¿lo sabías? Vamos a investigar sobre la importancia de este día desde la perspectiva del marketing.
