viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015


Tormenta de ideas: anota todas las ideas que te vienen a la mente.

  • Haz una introducción al tema con una o dos frases, utilizando conectores: "in the first place", "to begin", "firstly".
  • Desarrollo del tema expresando los argumentos a favor o en contra: but, on the one hand, however, in my opinion, on the other hand.
  • Extrae las conclusiones de los argumentos expresados anteriormente: to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion.
Se pueden añadir expresiones como:

The main advantage is...
There are other disadvantages in connection with...
I would say there are more advantages that drawbacks...

The main disadvantage is...
There are other problems in connection with...
I would say there are more drawbacks than advantages.


Exercise 1: Brainstorming and gathering information

Think of the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car. Answer the following questions:

1. What different ways are there to travel? .........................................................................................

2. How do people usually travel in your city? Why? .............................................................................

3. What can you do when you travel by car? ........................................................................................

4. What can’t you do when you travel by car? .....................................................................................

5. What are the two best things about travelling by car? ....................................................................

6. What are the two worst things about travelling by car? ...................................................................

Exercise 2: Check your vocabulary

Write the words in the correct columns.
Write A for advantage of travelling by car or D for disadvantage next to each word.

Exercise 3: Extend your vocabulary

Write the linking words in the correct column. Some can go in more than one column.

1. I like travelling by plane _______________ (because/however/for example) it is fast.
2. Travelling by bus is convenient and it is _______________ (firstly/because/also) cheap.
3. Travelling by bike is cheap. _______________ (Because/Also/However), it is not good for long trips.
4. _______________ (Thirdly/Also/First of all), walking is good for your health. Secondly, it is not bad for the environment.

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