viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015


Let's start with a listening in this page.

Now you have to look the next information:

  1. 13 superstitions
  2. Origin of Friday 13th
  3. Do a quiz here
  4. Watch a video 
  5. Listen a song SUPERSTITION

More activities and information here

12 comentarios:

  1. Esta tradicción del viernes 13 no creo que sea verdad la teoría del viernes 13 se vasa en cosas que pasaron dia 13 y eso es casualidad mas que otra cosa.+

  2. Unlucky to walk underneath a ladder
    Seven years bad luck to break a mirror.
    Unlucky to see one magpie, lucky to see two, etc..
    Unlucky to spill salt. If you do, you must throw it over your shoulder to counteract the bad luck.
    Unlucky to open an umbrella in doors.

  3. -A black cat
    -A broken mirror
    -A four leaf clover
    -A horseshoe
    -A rabbit´s foot
    -Crossing your fingers
    -Friday 13th
    -Knocking on wood
    -Opening a umbrella inside
    -Throwing salt over your shoulder
    -If you make a bedspread, or a quilt, be sure to finish it or marriage will never come to you.
    -If you sweep trash out the door after dark, it will bring a stranger to visit.

    Opinion: This is nonsense over the English.

  4. Crossing your fingers is a lucky sign, and saying ‘Fingers crossed’ is the same as saying ‘Let’s hope that happens!’ or wishing someone luck.

    Unlucky to walk underneath a ladder
    Seven years bad luck to break a mirror.
    Unlucky to see one magpie, lucky to see two, etc..
    Unlucky to spill salt. If you do, you must throw it over your shoulder to counteract the bad luck.
    Unlucky to open an umbrella in doors.
    The number thirteen is unlucky. Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
    Unlucky to put new shoes on the table.
    Unlucky to pass someone on the stairs.

    tijeras abiertas
    paraguas abierto bajo techo

  5. A black cat walking towards you or crosses your path, a distorted picture or falling from the wall where it hangs , light three cigarettes with the same match, put a hat on the bed, Spilling salt, Breaking a mirror, walking under a ladder, Place the pan upside down on the table or dropping to the ground, Spilling wine , Leave open scissors, Put the bed with his feet toward the door , Start the day with the left foot, open the umbrella indoors , bring a broom used to move house


  6. 1. Pasar por debajo de una escalera
    2. La pata de conejo
    3. Tocar madera
    4. El color amarillo
    5. Derramar la sal
    6. Romper un espejo
    7. El trébol de cuatro hojas
    8. Martes/viernes 13
    9. El número 13

    Viernes 13 es una tonteria

  7. 13 superstition
    break a mirror; romper un espejo
    spilling salt: derramar sal
    see a black cat: ver un gato netro
    walking under a ladder: pasar debajo de una escalera
    open an umbrella inside a place: abrir un pragüas debajo de un sitio.
    The number 13: el número trece
    you see a one-eyed: que te mire un tuerto
    Turning to things: dar vueltas a las cosas
    put the bed looking for the door: poner la cama mirando para la puerta
    a picture that is skewed to fall: un cuadro que esta torcido se caiga

    take a broom used to move house: llevar una escoba usada al cambiar de casa

    bread upside down: pan bocabajo

    have open scissors: tener tijeras abiertas
    - my opinion is that the english people are very superstitious
    Luna Fernández Moreno

  8. 13 superstitions

    • Break a mirror
    • Throw down salt
    • Walking under a ladder
    • That crosses a black cat
    • You see a one-eyed person
    • You touch the number thirteen
    • Open an umbrella inside a building
    • Putting new shoes on the table brings bad luck
    • Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day
    • Avoid stepping of cracks to avoid bad luck
    • Get out of bed on the wrong side
    • Leave open scissors
    • Having the bed looking for the door

    This is nonsense. Mª Luna Sánchez de Gracia

  9. The salt
    Open an umbrella inside of the house
    Break a mirror
    Put the foot of the bed looking for the door
    The black cat
    Chain letters
    The numbre 13
    Fingers crossed
    Walking under a ladder
    Groundhog day
    Black witch


  10. - If you make a bedspread, or a quilt, be sure to finish it or marriage will never come to you.

    - If a bee enters your home, it's a sign that you will soon have a visitor. If you kill the bee, you will have bad luck, or the visitor will be unpleasant.

    - If a robin flies into a room through a window, death will shortly follow.

    - If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake with the first puff you will get your wish.

    - If you say good-bye to a friend on a bridge, you will never see each other again.

    - If you sweep trash out the door after dark, it will bring a stranger to visit.

    - If someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you'll never get married.

    - If someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you'll never get married.

    - If a candle lighted as part of a ceremony blows out, it is a sign that evil spirits are nearby.

    - If the first calf born during the winter is white, the winter will be a bad one.

    - If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it.

    - If your cheeks suddenly feel on fire, someone is talking about you.

    - If you get a chill up your back or goosebumps, it means that someone is walking over your grave.
    ( Mónica Ortiz Cano )

  11. 1. El número 13.
    La creencia de que el número 13 trae mala suerte está tan difundida que sus orígenes se confunden.
    2. 666
    Hexacosioihexecontahexafobia es, técnicamente, el nombre del miedo al número 666, otrora conocido como el número de la bestia
    3. Los Gatos Negros.
    En las culturas occidentales, los gatos negros son vistos como augurio de mala suerte. Se los asocian a brujas y en muchas culturas se cree que si un gato negro se cruza en tu camino es señal de desastre o hasta de muerte
    4. Espejos Rotos.
    Es conocida la superstición de que la rotura de un espejo generará siete años de mala suerte.
    5. Dedos Cruzados.
    Cruzar los dedos como deseo de buena suerte (o, en secreto, para evitar cumplir una promesa)
    6. Pasar debajo de una escalera.
    Muchos consideran que caminar debajo de una escalera trae mala suerte.
    7. Derramar sal.
    Es una vieja superstición creer que derramar sal es un mal presagio.
    8. La mano del muerto.
    La mano del muerto es una jugada de póquer con un par de ochos y un par de ases, ambos negros, más una quinta carta no especificada.
    9. Gárgolas.
    Colocar esculturas con formas de figuras o máscaras en el exterior de un edificio podría parecer sin sentido
    10. La bruja negra.
    La mariposa nocturna Bruja negra (Ascalaphaodorata) es vista como anuncio de muerte e infortunio en creencias del Caribe y de Centro y Sud América.
    11. El día de la marmota.
    La creencia de que un roedor grande puede servir para predecir la altura del año
    12. Cartas en cadena.
    Una cadena de cartas es una costumbre antigua que data al menos de 1888
    13. Macbeth ▬ "The Scottish Play"
    Los actores suelen ser supersticiosos y en ningún otra obra de teatro esto se hace más palpable.
    1. The number 13.
    The belief that the number 13 is unlucky is so widespread that its origins are confused.
    2. 666
    Hexacosioihexecontahexafobia is technically the name of fear of the number 666, once known as the number of the beast
    3. Black Cats.
    In Western cultures, black cats are seen as an omen of bad luck. It's associated with witches and in many cultures it is believed that if a black cat crosses your path is a sign of disaster or even death
    4. Broken Mirrors.
    We know the superstition that breaking a mirror will generate seven years of bad luck.
    5. Fingers Crossed.
    Cross your fingers and wish good luck (or, in secret, to avoid fulfilling a promise)
    6. Pass under a ladder.
    Many believe that walking under a ladder brings bad luck.
    7. spilling salt.
    It's an old superstition to believe that spilling salt is a bad omen.
    8. Dead Man's Hand.
    The dead man's hand is a poker with a pair of eights and a pair of aces, both black, plus a fifth card unspecified.
    9. Gargoyles.
    Placing sculptures in the shape of figures or masks on the outside of a building might seem pointless
    10. The black witch.
    The black witch moth (Ascalaphaodorata) is seen as a proclamation of death and misfortune beliefs of the Caribbean and Central and South America.
    11. Groundhog Day.
    The belief that a large rodent can be used to predict the height of the year
    12. Chain Letters.
    A chain letter is an ancient custom that dates at least to 1888
    13. Macbeth ▬ "The Scottish Play"
    The actors are often superstitious and in no other play this becomes more palpable.


  12. 1--A Black Cat walking towards you or that crosses your path.- [The black was identified with the devil to be the color of night ].-
    2--Spilling salt-(derramar sal)-[ it became a symbol of friendship. Hence the belief that if you pull , the friendship will break. To counter this effect damn course , you should take a pinch of spilled salt over the left shoulder].-
    3--Break a mirror(romper un espejo)-[brings seven years of curse].-
    4--Walking under a ladder(pasar por debajo de las escaleras)-[It was once thought that all the triangles were a sacred symbol , both the pyramids as the trilogy of the Holy Trinity and , therefore , was a sacrilege to pass under the arch].-
    5--Place the pan upside down on the table or dropping to the ground-(poner el pan boca abajo o dejarlo caer al suelo)[It upside down is supposed to bring bad luck because it is actually an insult to the body of Christ].-
    6--Spilling wine(Derramar vino)-[When you pour the wine on the table then you should apply a little of it over the forehead for good luck].-
    7--Leave open scissors(dejar abiertas las tijeras)-[This instrument should remain closed when not in use because it attracts bad luck].-
    8--Put the bed with his feet toward the door(poner la cama con los pies hacia la puerta)-[Comes the popular saying : "The dead always leave the house with feet first ."].-
    9--Starting the day on the wrong foot(empezar el dia con el pie izquierdo)-[Petronio already alluded in the " Satyricon " to the misfortune of entering a place with left foot].-
    10--Tuesday and 13(martes y 13)-[The curse of the number thirteen has its origin in the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Twelve Apostles , in which he was betrayed].-
    11-- The groom to see the bride before the ceremony and this look in the mirror(Que el novio vea a la novia antes de la ceremonia o que esta se mire al espejo)-[Antiguamente se consideraba que hacer cualquiera de estas dos cosas era sinónimo de adelantar acontecimientos positivos que quedarían así "gafados")
    Realizado por Sara Castro
